Is Your Anti-Aging Skincare Making You Look Older Instead of Younger?
Have you ever felt that no matter how hard you try or how many different products you use, you just can’t seem to get the smooth, younger-looking skin you’re after? What many men and women don’t realize is that it could be the very anti-aging skincare products they’re using that are standing in the way of getting a more youthful, radiant complexion. If this sounds like you, take a look at four of the most common anti-aging mistakes that could be making you look older, and what you can do to improve your skincare routine.
Mistake #1: Not Addressing Dryness
Many of the everyday skincare and personal care products that are used regularly–from bar soap to laundry detergent–contain drying ingredients. When the skin becomes dry or dehydrated, it can accentuate the appearance of lines and wrinkles, making you look older. Even some common anti-aging products can cause skin to become overly dry, so if you’re not counteracting this effect with the right moisturizing ingredients, you could be doing your skin a disservice. Look for gentle, yet effective moisturizing agents that won’t clog pores or lead to irritation. Some of the best ones to include in an anti-aging skincare regimen are jojoba esters, niacinamide, squalane, ceramides and fatty acids.
Mistake #2: Using the Wrong Ingredients
If you’re having trouble finding a wrinkle cream that won’t irritate your skin, try an anti-aging product like AlphaRet™ Overnight Cream FACE.
Traditional retinol and retinoid-based products can come along with anti-aging and acne-fighting benefits, but they have a long history of causing dryness and irritation, especially for sensitive skin types. If you’re having trouble finding a wrinkle cream that won’t irritate your skin, try an anti-aging product like AlphaRet™ Overnight Cream FACE. This revolutionary formula successfully combines a retinoid with lactic acid, a type of alpha hydroxy acid, to deliver amazing anti-aging results, but with little to no irritation*. Similarly, although there are tons of different at-home recipes for face masks and anti-aging “miracle” creams available, keep in mind that not every ingredient is safe or gentle enough to be used on your skin. Lemon juice is just one example of a popular naturally derived ingredient that could result in dryness, flaking and even chemical burns due to its low pH, making it a poor choice for most people (TODAY).
Mistake #3: Over-Exfoliating
Consider choosing anti-aging products that contain exfoliating ingredients like glycolic acid, such as AlphaRet™.
Exfoliating your skin can be very beneficial, as it helps to remove the old, flaky skin cells from the surface so that the newer layer of skin underneath can shine through. This may also help to increase the effectiveness of topical skincare products. However, too much of a good thing is usually a bad thing, and that is the case with exfoliation. Scrubbing your skin too vigorously or too frequently can lead to irritation, dryness, flaking and other unwanted effects, especially if you already have dry or sensitive skin (American Academy of Dermatology). To reap the benefits of regular exfoliation without irritating your skin, consider choosing anti-aging products that contain exfoliating ingredients like glycolic acid, such as AlphaRet™, to help retexturize the skin’s appearance without causing irritation*.
Mistake #4: Forgetting about Lifestyle Habits
Remember that lifestyle habits have a large impact on the look and feel of skin.
No anti-aging skin care will be able to give you the dramatic results you’re looking for if you’re still tanning on a regular basis, smoking, drinking alcohol and eating lots of processed and sugary foods. Remember that lifestyle habits have a large impact on the look and feel of skin, so it’s important to make healthy choices in order to improve its appearance. Because skin is almost constantly exposed to the sun’s damaging UV rays, one of the best things you can do for your skin is to start wearing a daily sunscreen and using an antioxidant serum like Alto Defense Serum™ FACE each morning for maximum free radical protection.
*Individual results may vary.